Home - Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Webcasts

Webcast overview 

Coming soon

Governance Committee

Wednesday, 31st July 2024 at 6:00pm
Governance Committee
31/07/2024 6.00 pm
Civic Suite, Solihull

Licensing Act Panel

Tuesday, 6th August 2024 at 10:00am
Licensing Act Panel
06/08/2024 10.00 am
Committee Room 2 Civic Suite

Planning Committee

Wednesday, 7th August 2024 at 6:00pm
Planning Committee
07/08/2024 6.00 pm
Council Chamber - Civic Suite

Recent Webcasts

HS2 Implementation Advisory Group

Thursday, 25th July 2024 at 6:00pm
HS2 Implementation Advisory Group
25/07/2024 6.00 pm
Committee Room 1 Civic Suite

Audit Committee

Tuesday, 23rd July 2024 at 2:00pm
Audit Committee
23/07/2024 2.00 pm
Committee Room 1 Civic Suite

Licensing Sub-Committee

Monday, 22nd July 2024 at 6:00pm
Licensing Sub-Committee
22/07/2024 6.00 pm
Committee Room 2 Civic Suite
Archiving - Available soon


Welcome to Solihull Borough Council's webcasting site. 

We are committed to providing residents with an open and accessible decision-making process. 

On this page you can view meetings of the full Council, Cabinet, Committees and Scrutiny Boards, as well as individual Cabinet Portfolio Holder decision sessions.

Our meetings are broadcast live, and then saved in the Webcast Library where they remain available for 12 months.

Should you miss a meeting, or would like to view a section of the meeting again, then you can view an archive of the webcast in the Webcast library.

Upcoming webcasts are listed on the left of this page, as well as recent webcasts available to view from our archives. The archive of each meeting will normally be available the next working day following the meeting.

To view a webcast follow the link on the title of the meeting.

On the webcast page, you will also be able to view any associated documents and presentations linked to the topics discussed at the meeting.



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